Wednesday 21 October 2009

School magazine research

All these different school magazines are presented to different audiences and have different ideas on their weekly or monthly edition. I picked these 3 school magazines because they are so different between each of them its good to give a good analysis on. 

McDonough school magazine is very good in many ways. One of the ways is that they present it to their target audience very clearly. You can see this with the font of their front cover. The font gives out a very old and posh look to the front cover. The audience looks like it's being presented to adults. 

The photo is layout very well where you can see everyone having a good time on the grass. The tree gives you idea that it is autumn by the colour of the leaves. Maybe that shows its the start of the school year and it is their first addition of their magazine. The image of the front cover shows everyone laughing even though they are probably acting it out their laughing but it still brings joy and that gives you a sense of happiness in the school.   

This magazine gives you a more of a imagery idea of what the school is all about. The image of the instruments shows that it is based on the articulate subjects like music and art. Religion a key part that they teach in the Harrow Tamil school. You can see this by part of the language of islam at the top of the front cover. Compare to the other 3 magazines this gives you out more information on what is all about.  

This school magazine really disappointed me because they really have put a lot of effort to it. All they have done in this picture is putting photos next to each other and put their school name at the top. The front cover is really important because it brings the audience to wanting to read it. If the front cover isn't good then no one wants to read it. 

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