Tuesday 3 November 2009

Photo samples for front cover

This photo is going to be my background picture. I pick this photo because it gives a lot of meaning as a school from Fortismere. It shows togetherness by the pupils giving you a sense from of a good atmosphere in Fortismere. The block on the left shows that Fortismere is very original and creative in their students because pupils can an opportunity to show their appreciation in the school.

I chose this picture because I like the feeling that is presented from this photos. It brings you happiness of going into school. You can see this from he pupil smile as he is approaching the school (sport hall). It will bring a good mixture with the face of this image with the background photo. But this picture is difficult to use because There isn't a lot of natural lighting and that it might not go well with the background picture.

I chose this for one of my samples because it brings some issues to everyday life towards teenagers. As you can see my friend is making a hand gesture that looks like he is holding a gun. I felt that it is good to put this because I think that people are misleading teenagers of holding a gun or knife and this is good general topic in a school magazine. A school magazine can express the pupils openly and that they're not a lot of teenagers that have been in an activity with a gun or a knife.

I chose this picture because it would be very creative if I layer it over the background picture to make a realistic effect. Also this is a great close up photo on a person just from the chest height to the head.

This was of my choices to be in my final image. Its a great medium shot and its enjoyment in this photo. The reason I might not pick this picture is because it does not connect well with the background layer

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