Tuesday 17 November 2009

My final Cover and Contents Page

Front Cover
This my final piece of my school magazine front cover. The reason I have chose this as my final piece is because I felt that I have done all the requirements that is set to make a great front cover. I am really pleased with my close up image because there not just a great blend with the background image but the size of the two images fit in perfectly. The text is very imaginative with each of their articles with a twist for the reader the read. The colours of each text has a connection with a part of the background image, the colours of the graffiti at the back.
The bright colours can really attract the young children in the school but inside can have a mature writing for the older pupils like six formers to have a look at.

I like the way the contents is being presented because I like the layout from the close up image blending together with the text. For the background image of the contents page I have used a certain part of the background image of the front cover. The reason I put some of the writing in blue because the blue text are the main aritcles in the magazine.

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